Meetings, redefined and refinedimplified

Get real-time access to meeting agendas, employee performance notes, and decisions, ensuring that all team members are on the same page.
Unlimited free plan members
Free guided setup
Automate your expense management
one-on-one dashboard

User-friendly interface

Beam is made for managers who want simplicity. It aims to reduce complexity and provide an easy-to-use interface for streamlined processes.

Built for Startups & growing mid-sized Companies

Our software promotes transparency and communication. Team members can easily share updates, insights, and feedback, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Fewer Meetings. More time to code

Capture everything you need to build a new product, feature or fix bugs. Reduce the need for frequent check-ins and have more time to do the work.

Trusted by 100's of companies
OKRs & Goals

Create shared and private agendas and notes

Customise meeting agendas and meeting notes for collaborative documentation and private ones for sensitive discussions.

Seamless calendar integration or sync with your calendar in one-click

Automatically schedule meetings and sync with Google, Outlook, or iCal calendars in seconds.

Easily give feedback from meetings

Share your thoughts and suggestions directly from meetings, ensuring your voice is heard.

Assign and track action items

Clearly define tasks, assign owners, and track progress with automated reminders and updates.

We achieved team alignment and gained radical clarity on business outcomes really quickly.

Deniyi Mayowa
COO, Family Production
Integrated performance metricss

Pull-in Employee Pulse
and Goals into Meetings

Align meetings with an overview of employee sentiment and objectives for targeted discussions.

Start empowering
your teams today!

Get your team up and running in seconds.

Get started - It's free