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How to use Real-time Feedback to Improve Work Culture

People Management

How to use Real-time Feedback to Improve Work Culture

How to use feedback to help employees grow and develop.
Published on
June 12, 2024

Feedback, a cornerstone of personal and professional growth, fosters individual and organisational excellence. From navigating the intricacies of the workplace to navigating the complexities of personal relationships, constructive feedback serves as a guiding beacon, illuminating areas for improvement and propelling individuals towards enhanced performance. 

In recent years, real-time feedback has emerged as a transformative tool, offering immediate insights and catalysing continuous improvement. However, wielding this powerful instrument effectively demands finesse and careful consideration. Managers can strategically provide feedback throughout the employee's journey:

  • Following a Completed Project or Objective: Highlight achievements and identify areas for improvement to capitalise on the momentum of successful projects.
  • After a Mistake or Error: Guide employees through mistakes, transforming errors into learning opportunities that promote future success.
  • Regular 360 Performance Reviews: Utilize scheduled reviews to provide comprehensive feedback on overall performance, accomplishments, and areas for growth.
  • After a Major Presentation or Meeting: Offer feedback on communication skills, content, and overall performance following significant presentations or meetings.
  • When Goals Are Not Met: Collaborate with employees to identify the root causes of missed goals and develop improvement plans.
  • As part of Development Plans: Incorporate feedback into employees' development plans, aligning personal goals with professional growth aspirations.
  • After Training or Skill Development: Assess progress and guide on applying acquired skills following training or skill development initiatives.

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AI-powered insights to reveal strengths & weaknesses for impactful feedback.

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Using the "SBI" Feedback Framework

The Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) framework is highly effective for providing feedback enabling precise, specific, and actionable communication.This model involves:

  1. Situation: Clearly describe the specific context or situation in which the observed behaviour occurred. This sets the stage for the feedback and provides the necessary context for the recipient to grasp the circumstances surrounding the behaviour.
  2. Behaviour: Objectively describe the observed behaviour without making judgments or interpretations. Stick to observable facts and provide specific details about what the person said or did. This ensures that the recipient understands precisely which behaviour is being addressed.
  3. Impact: Explain the impact of the behaviour on you, the team, or the organisation. Be clear about the consequences, whether positive or negative. This helps the recipient understand the significance of their actions and the broader implications of their behaviour.

The SBI framework's effectiveness lies in its ability to focus on specific behaviours and their observable impacts rather than on personal characteristics or motivations. This approach avoids defensiveness and encourages the recipient to reflect and consider the consequences of their actions.

After a Completed Project or Objective

Seize the opportunity to provide feedback after a team member or the entire team has successfully concluded a project. Applaud their accomplishments, identify areas of excellence, and collaboratively explore aspects that could benefit from refinement.

Using an Employee Feedback Software like Beam, managers can initiate new feedback sessions referencing a finished goal. Managers should navigate to the feedback page, select "Create", and then "Write feedback."

The manager can then specify the recipient on this page, define the feedback's nature, and designate it as a "Goal." Next, a dropdown menu will appear, allowing the manager to select the completed goal. 

Once the goal is chosen, the manager can compose the feedback. When the feedback is ready, the manager can click "Send feedback" to conclude the process.

Following a Mistake or Error

When an employee makes a mistake, providing constructive feedback is crucial to fostering the learner’s development and preventing recurrence. Utilising Beam's feedback tools effectively in such situations involves selecting the "Custom" option instead of "Goals" and identifying the recipient. Subsequently, the manager can clearly articulate the subject of the feedback, explicitly referencing the mistake or error, and proceed to compose the feedback message.

By adopting this approach, managers can effectively address errors and guide employees towards continuous improvement.

When the feedback is complete, the manager can click "send feedback" to finalise the process.

During One-on-One Meetings

Regular one-on-one meetings provide an effective platform for ongoing feedback, progress discussions, and addressing employee concerns or challenges. Managers can seamlessly convey and record feedback during or after 1:1 meetings within the Beam platform. The straightforward process involves scrolling to the bottom of the meeting page, entering feedback, and clicking "end meeting" for secure storage within the system.

Finally, embracing technology can amplify the effectiveness of real-time feedback. Leveraging employee engagement tools and employee feedback software can facilitate feedback collection, analysis, and dissemination, enabling organisations to glean valuable insights and tailor their feedback strategies accordingly.


By adhering to these principles, organisations can harness the power of real-time feedback to foster a culture of continuous improvement, enhance individual performance, and cultivate a thriving work environment. Remember that feedback should be specific, constructive, and aimed at helping employees grow and develop. It should be a two-way conversation, with opportunities for employees to ask questions and provide their perspectives. Timely and regular feedback is essential for fostering a culture of continuous improvement and professional development within your team or organisation.


Can real-time feedback complement traditional performance reviews?

Real-time feedback can indeed complement traditional performance reviews by providing ongoing insights and allowing for continuous improvement. Integrating the two systems might involve real-time feedback to inform the more formal review process, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of an employee's performance over time.

What tools support real-time feedback, and what features are essential?

When looking for tools to support real-time feedback, organisations should consider features such as ease of use, integration with existing communication platforms, the ability to provide anonymous feedback, and functionalities that allow tracking and analysing feedback trends. The chosen tool should align with the company's size, culture, and specific feedback goals to ensure it enhances rather than hinders the feedback process.

What challenges arise with real-time feedback implementation?

Implementing real-time feedback can present challenges, such as ensuring consistent participation, avoiding feedback fatigue, and maintaining the quality of the feedback provided. Overcoming these challenges typically involves clear communication about the purpose and benefits of real-time feedback, training for both givers and receivers of feedback, and establishing guidelines to ensure constructive and respectful feedback.

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